The Beagle

Jan 5, 2021

Need a pee in Batemans Bay - best drive on

The Beagle Editor,

Our Councillors have supported moving ahead with many matters in Batemans Bay in this term of the Council.

The shire’s economy is significantly dependant on tourists and the money, tourists bring to the shire. The tourists require the use of the areas public assets. Public toilets being one of the needs of tourists to the shire and particularly Batemans Bay

During this term of council there’s been several public toilet blocks closed to tourists and locals in the Batemans Bay area. The public toilets within the Batemans Bay Community Centre have already been closed for months with a sign saying go to the Information Centre or to Clyde Street.

If the Batemans Bay Community centre is agreed to be leased, will the public toilets included in that building remain accessible to the public ? If they are not then where will those in need of the public toilets be directed to?

With the planned closure of the Batemans Information Centre in February 2021, which also has public toilet amenities and access and to some extent to long vehicle parking provisions, where will they be relocated and those in need be directed to?

The construction of the new bridge also saw the removal of public toilets and the new foreshore plan indicates it is going to move the toilets from outside of the Boatshed fish and chip shop. Where will the public go during this time? And where will they put the new toilets?

One of the current councillors appears to be of the opinion that the toilets in shopping centres,pubs, clubs and at fast food outlets are for general public use and tourists and locals can go there.

The proposed new block of toilets in Clyde Street, Batemans Bay will not provide provisions for tourists towing caravans or boats, how is it proposed to cater for them?

In fact where does Council suggest that anyone in a bus, truck, towing a caravan, in a motor home or towing a boat stop and have a pee?


yours sincerely

Allan Brown
