The Beagle

Mar 11, 2021

Moruya's Martin Vidgen is shaving off his beard and shaving his head for a great cause

Moruya's Martin Vidgen has signed up for the World's Greatest Shave 2021 that funds critical research to deliver advancements in diagnosis & treatment of blood cancer.

Martin said "I'm taking part in the World's Greatest Shave for the Leukaemia Foundation and doing what I can to help raise funds for blood cancer research and treatments.

"All monies raised go towards giving families facing blood cancer the emotional and practical support they need.

"It also helps fund vital research to help more people survive blood cancers, while improving their quality of life.

"Every day another 47 Australians are diagnosed with a blood cancer. Our own community members are in those numbers.

"Although research is improving survival, sadly an Australian loses their life to blood cancer every two hours.

"You can click on the button below to sponsor me".

"I promise to put up photos from the shave and the after photos".

Martin will be shaving on March 13th.