The Beagle

Jun 12, 2021

Moruya Bay Pass Corridor

The Beagle Editor,

I wish to address the tenor of public discussion on the proposed by pass strategic preferred corridor.

The dignity of conduct, the integrity of opinion, trust, are some of the hallmarks of humanity and denominators of progress.

Engineers, news editors, and all members of our society are guided by the ethics and code of their profession and we all benefit from their vision, contribution to our present and future.

It has taken time to investigate, examine and present professional document proposal that we should examine, comment and support with suggestions, such as pedestrian and bicycle access across the new bridge, exits and entries ramps.

Let us treat sources, subjects, colleagues and members of the public as human beings deserving respect.

Let us separate the loudest voices driven by vested and conflicting interest from the voices of knowledge and vision for Australia.

Gerald J Banak