The Beagle

Sep 12, 2020

Mathew Hatcher: dancing as a STAR for Stars of Eurobodalla 2020

With an unquenchable thirst for adventure and coffee Mathew Hatcher is going to be some tough competition in this year's Stars of Eurobodalla 2020.

Mathew's bio reads:

A lover of travel who has visited over 70 countries and all 7 continents, it’s no surprise that Mathew took on this challenge despite his dislike of dancing! Mathew is the founder of Guerrilla Roaster a specifically coffee roaster based on the Southern Coast, who work closely with producers from Central and South America, Africa and Asia on traceable, ethical and sustainable coffees.

On top of that Mathew is also the founder of SoCoDoLo (Southern Coast Donations Logistics), which was started in response to the bushfires as a group to assist in getting donated goods to those in need immediately.

Mathew wants to raise awareness and funds for local charities, as well as hopefully bring a bit of fun to the region in what has been a tough year.

Mathew has Rebecca Sellick as his partner, so no one will look at him, but with a target of $5,000 up his sleeve, we think there will be a little attention on this legend!


Rebecca says:

"This is what I'll be working on over the next few months with my Star

Mathew Hatcher. Cancer has touched so many lives. For me, I have lost family and friends to cancer and I want to do anything I can to help create a #cancerfreefuture. I want to dedicate this dance to the woman who taught me how to dance, who created a place that was my second home for majority of my life, my mentor, my friend, Denise Gruber, who is dancing with the angels. Get ready to see us carve up the dance floor! If you want to help out, please donate."

You can help Mathew and Rebecca attain their goal by CLICKING HERE