The Beagle

Apr 8, 2022

Malua Bay Women's Bowls Report.

Bowls Organiser David Thomas welcomed everyone before calling teams in 2 Pairs Matches and 5 Triples matches in a Versatility format.

Before venturing onto the greens David collected fines from all those who fell for his April Fools joke that our new club wouldn't be opening soon because of sinkage problems!

Vice-President Kim Giannasca took over proceedings whilst President Sue was away bowling in State Senior Pairs Finals with Carol Dutkiewicz in Tamworth. Kim announced that Sue and Carol had won in the morning on a forfeit, they lost their match in the afternoon against Yamba by 7 shots , well done to both ladies in reaching State. Thinking of Julie and Carol who are both in hospital.

Winners on Rink 11, Joan Rimmer, Anne O'Dwyer and Alison Innes. Runners-up, Rink 7, Janet McKay and Karen Signor.

Rink 11 selected to try for Jackpot of $1,684, Alison needed 2 but pressed 1 .

Other winning teams, Barbara Vickers, Jan Shalders and Nancy White.

Judy Armstrong, Gayl Vidgen and Kim Giannasca. Colleen Ashby and Lyn Hardy. Helene Szendeleit, Anna Stewart and Noleen Taylor.Jeanette Roberts, Shirley Edwards and Pat Bill.

Birthday wishes to Judy Armstrong, Bev Keatley and Judy Lane who were away.

Money club winners on 44, Gwen Ware, 52, Joan Rimmer on a winning streak!!

There will be a meeting after bowls next week and don’t forget there is voting for two lady bowlers to be selected on the Club Malua Advisory Board .


Winners Joan Rimmer, Alison Innes , Anne O’Dwyer