The Beagle

Mar 25, 2022

Malua Bay Women's Bowling Report, Home of the Stingrays

What a beautiful sunny Tuesday at last for the 42 bowlers present.

Bowls Organiser David Thomas welcomed everyone, he was back on deck after a week in isolation. President Sue left her news until we came in off the greens.

Good to see return of June Ryan and Judith Munday, both bowling well.

Rink 3 selected as Winners, Pat Biddolph, Helene Szendeleit and Jenny Blyth.

Oh boy!! what a game Helene played, never missed a shot, fantastic bowling. Runners-up on Rink 6, Judy Armstrong, Gayl Vidgen and Paula Hancock.

Rink 4 was selected to try for $500 Jackpot, winning SKIP Lyn Hardy pressed button, she needed 1 with the score between 19/18, came up with 3, so close.

There were some very close scores this week so well done to all teams. Connie Anderson as swinging Lead, Janet McKay and Sue Morgan, our Coach. Rosie Rayner, Fran Lucas and Kim Giannasca . Barbara Vickers, Sue Palmer and Lisa Grice. Dorothy Stewart, Sonia Frey and Nancy White. June Ryan, June Williams and Lyn Hardy.

Money club winners on 54 , Gay Biggs, 11, Paula Hancock.

Best wishes to our men's Grade 3 and 5 Stingrays Pennant Teams as they compete this week in Nowra and Northmead in State Bowls Finals .

Lovely to have Margaret Bridges call in to say hello, hope she will be back bowling soon, also to Pat and Olga who are in isolation, take care, stay safe.

Winners, Pat Biddolph, Helene Szendeleit and Jenny Blyth