The Beagle

May 26, 2020

Karen Porter: Candidate for Eden-Monaro Federal Election

Karen Porter Candidate for Eden-Monaro Federal Election introduces herself:


I am writing this Facebook post as I am a grass roots campaigner who does not have millions to invest in advertising so please humour me and read my "from the heart" words.

Why should you vote for me in the upcoming by-election? These are not in any particular order:

1. I will add another Independent voice to our Government - we don't need any more sheep that have to follow the party line - I can speak out and will speak out about Eden-Monaro - I will be your voice and I will be a loud and determined voice. I will ensure that there is no conflict of interest and that I am there to represent the people of our Electorate rather than myself like many others are doing.

2. I will add another level of accountability to our Government and I will not be afraid to question and probe issues around integrity, compassion and morals. I will join others in Parliament who believe in an ICAC with teeth or Royal Commissions that expose and treat corruption in our Government.

3. I will fight for small businesses and their rights, compliance and well-being - we are the backbone of the economy and need support and recognition

4. I will work on getting everyone who trades in Australia to pay taxes in Australia - if you trade here you pay here

5. I will ensure that everyone is treated equally. I will not vote with the Government on anything that takes away people's rights no matter who you are as long as it is in accordance with current (fair) law.

6. I recognise that we live on First Nation land and that they deserve a fair voice on what happens to our common country. They are the land custodians and know what is right for our land and their people.

7. I will fight for essential workers and their recognition in conditions and fair pay

8. I will fight for homeless people and people that are living below a decent standard of living. We need to treat the less fortunate better. I will work on affordable housing and options for these people in the future.

9. I will fight for our planet, whether you believe in climate change or not, I will work with our electorate so that we have water security, access to cleaner living and energy and innovative ways to stop the damage of our land.

10. I will work with farmers so that our food security is safe, that they are supported to move forward into the future in a way that heals our land but protects and fosters their livelihood

11. I will work with the community so that we resilient to future catastrophes like the fires that we experienced and on recovery as many of our people are still cleaning up, rebuilding and more importantly working on their mental health. We need to prepare that this will happen again and be prepared.

12. People are still dying on our highways - I will pressure State to give our area priority so that we can have safe pathways into and out of our Electorate

13. I will provide a voice for Veterans living in our Electorate and recognise the pain and ongoing stress that they face from their often traumatic experience. I will work on getting required and necessary support for your future so that we don't lose any more because they can't manage their mental and physical pain.

14. I will advocate buying locally and examining how we can bring back local manufacturing to Australia and to our electorate. This will boost our local economy, jobs and welfare. Put us on the map.

15. I will work with de-centralisation of Government Agencies and major corporations. Covid-19 has taught us that we can work differently -why not outpost people to our small towns and regional areas so that we can inject more money and commerce into these areas?

16. I will be the persistent voice on improving our medical systems in Eden-Monaro and put pressure on State Government to make sure that we get the level of health care that we need on all levels and particularly mental health. We should not have to leave our area and support network to get world class health care

17. I will work to grow cultural tourism and stimulate the economy through arts

18. I bring half a decade of life experience to the Electorate and Parliament, public servant, small business owner, town leader, strong communicator, empathy, care, love of our Electorate, mother of 5 who has been through every type of birth, mental health, domestic violence, single mother, passion, determination and drive. I will be your advocate.