The Beagle

Feb 25, 2020

Join Local Volunteers Who Are Preventing Falls In Their Communities

Tai Chi is popular across Australia and around the world as a regular exercise to

promote independent living and to prevent falls.

The Southern NSW Local Health District Population Health Team has coordinated the

Physical Activity Leader Network for 12 years and is looking to attract an additional 20

volunteer leaders. This move will further enhance the program and ensure classes are

running in communities where there are limited options for older people to participate

in falls-safe activities.

Tai Chi leaders say the experience of volunteering in the program is a rewarding one

and encourage more people to do the same in their communities.

There is also plenty of support offered by the Population Health team in the way of

further training and administration support. Fellow leaders offer peer support and

mentoring to ensure new leaders feel comfortable before taking on a class.

Training for new leaders will be held over two and a half days from the 29 to 31 May

2020 in Batemans Bay, at a subsidised cost of $50. This covers the course, accommodation, meals and program resources. Registrations for new leaders close 3

April 2020.

For more information on becoming a leader in your community and to be part of this

exciting program, please contact Pramesh Ghimire, Health Promotion Officer on (02)

6150 7546 or email