The Beagle

Apr 7, 2021

Illegal attempt to open Coila Lake

Marine Rescue Tuross advise:

Fisheries officers were at Coila bar today investigating the trench which enthusiasts had dug attempting to open Coila Lake to the sea. The officers are keen to let the public know that such activity is illegal and carries significant fines.

The opening of ICOLLS (Intermittently Closed and Open Lakes and Lagoons) is a highly monitored process that, by law, requires a variety of permits in order to preserve the delicate balance of nature in these areas.

Unnecessary openings cause "increased exposure and death of aquatic vegetation and increased risk of low dissolved oxygen and incidence of fish kills."

The officers also said that an opening of the lake now would mean a huge loss of prawn spawn, and subsequently greatly reduced prawn stock in the next season. The officers ask the public to report ICOLL opening attempts.

Please don't participate in digging a Coila bar trench.

For further information: