The Beagle

Sep 27, 2019

Guerrilla Roasters Coast Blend released

Guerrilla Roasters at Mossy Point was founded on the idea to go against the flow, resist the norm and refuse to fit into a mould. Mathew Hatcher and Lewis McKenzie are passionate and only roast coffee that they love to drink working with industry leaders who only source from sustainable farms throughout the Americas, Africa and Asia.

Their blend is ever changing with the seasons and they seize every moment to change things up giving them the ability to showcase the different flavours in coffee but also the terroir of a specific region roasting daily at the Mossy Cafe in Mossy Point

Their latest roast release is called “Coast Blend” featuring the artwork of @courtenay.mckenzie.



Mathew told The Beagle “The “Coast Blend” has been put together to cater to those coffee drinkers who want big and bold favours. It is our medium-dark blend with big caramel and chocolate notes that cuts through milk easily but is balanced and smooth as a black coffee.

“Both coffees are from regional stations that practice sustainable farming and ensure farmers get their fare share for the work they put in. Currently our blend is composed of coffees from Brazil Royal Caldas and Colombia Sur de Huila resulting in a very robust balanced blend.

Sweet balanced body with notes of caramel, chocolate, roasted hazelnuts and a rounded acidity.

Call in to the Moruya Health Cafe and try the blend for yourself.

Or track it down