The Beagle

Sep 24, 2021

Feedback sought on recent upgrade to Jack Buckley Memorial Park

The NSW Government has engaged a civil engineering company to undertake community consultation regarding the recent upgrade to Jack Buckley Memorial Park.

They would like community members’ thoughts and feedback on the new playspace, in particular:

* What is you relationship to the new playspace? (who do you spend time with there? How do you use it etc)

What are your favourite elements of the new playspace?

* How did you find the consultation project?

* Do you think the playspace usage has changed since the upgrade? What was it like before vs now?

*Do you think the playspace caters for a wide range of community needs? (elderly population, children, people living with a disability)

Community members can either provide feedback to Carla in writing or contact Carla directly using the details below to have a quick chat:

Carla Pignatelli

D 61 2 9239 7193