The Beagle

Apr 22, 2022

Eurobodalla Walkers On The Go

We, like our community, have survived bushfires, floods, COVID, lockdowns and restricted numbers and now in 2022 seem to be heading back into more ‘normal’ times!

Since February we have done some 15 walks on different parts of our beautiful coast, and of course more are planned for the year. Last week it was Caseys Beach on a perfect day and on Wednesday 20th it was Guerilla Bay.

Next week we are headed to Durras. If you are over 18 and prepared to walk at your own risk, why not contact:

Margaret Fletcher t: 4472 4886 e: or

Diana Williams m: 0402004242 e:

For more information about our friendly, easy going group AND don’t forget to come and say hello at the Seniors Expo on Thursday 28th at Hanging Rock.