The Beagle

Jul 20, 2021

Entries open for Fergus Thomson OAM Heritage Award

Nominations are open for the Fergus Thomson OAM Heritage Award, which recognises projects contributing to the community’s appreciation and awareness of the Eurobodalla’s heritage.

The annual award honours the former shire mayor, the late Fergus Thomson OAM, who had a strong commitment to the preservation of the cultural heritage of the region.

Mr Thomson was Eurobodalla’s first popularly-elected mayor and remained a councillor until his passing in 2015. He was devoted to serving the Eurobodalla, had a deep connection to the Aboriginal community and was a passionate advocate for the protection of culture and country.

The award is considered the perfect way give well-deserved recognition to others working to preserve and promote Eurobodalla’s cultural heritage.

The award offers a $1,500 prize to local individuals, groups or organisations that have made an outstanding contribution to our appreciation and awareness of the rich heritage of the Eurobodalla Shire.

The Moruya Antique Tractor and Machinery Association won the inaugural 2020 award in recognition of its outstanding efforts in bringing the shire’s agricultural and industrial stories to a wider audience.

To be considered in 2021 projects must have been completed in the past two years with examples offered of having restored a historic building, written a historical book, made a blog or even created a film with the primary element being the contribution to furthering awareness and knowledge of the Eurobodalla's heritage.

Nominations for the award close Wednesday 29 September 2021.

For more information or to apply, visit or contact Council on 4474 1324.




The Moruya Antique Tractor and Machinery Association won the inaugural 2020 award in recognition of its outstanding efforts in bringing the shire’s agricultural and industrial stories to a wider audience. Pictured is then MATAMA secretary, the late Barry Hickson, Cr James Thomson, MATAMA president Steve Shields, Yvonne Thomson and MATAMA member Noel Hand.