The Beagle

Sep 20, 2020

Dalmeny Narooma Bushwalkers


The first walk was to Mimosa Rocks N.P. south of Bermagui and led by Gail Drury into the Hidden Valley area of the Park. Fifteen walkers came and walked through a rough hilly section of bush before descending into the partially cleared section with a large lake which was part of private property before being purchased by NSW National Parks in the 1990's. It is a beautiful remote location tucked away from the coast. Walkers then made their way to the old fisherman's shack on the coast where they had lunch overlooking the ocean and many passing whales. From here they followed the coastal track back to the cars where Gail was thanked for putting on the walk.



The second walk was on Saturday and led by Barry Keeley. It was in and around the Ringland's area of Wagonga Inlet. Nine walkers attended where cars were parked at the end of Flying Fox Road and from there they made their way back to Shell Point and around the Ringland's track up the river where lunch was had overlooking Wagonga Inlet. They then headed up to the Rainforest Gully where a huge fig tree grows. They made their way back to the cars, where Narelle thanked Barry on behalf  of everybody for this 9klm walk.