The Beagle

Oct 15, 2021

Councilor seeking answers around Dalmeny land sale

Although Council state on their website and in their media release of October 7th that they "sold Lot 2 DP1151341, a 40 hectare parcel of land behind Tatiara Street, Dalmeny in September 2021" the fact of the matter is that Council have only exchanged contracts.

The sale price of the land is understood to be $4.7 million with a final exchange on the contract to take place in mid 2022.

During Council briefings a number of Councillors asked staff or information around the sale and the sale price.

Councillor Pat McGinlay has made comment saying:

"As a councillor, I was advised by staff, of this contract being signed for the first time yesterday at our regular councillor briefing session. Like anyone else with an interest in this issue, and there are many, my immediate questions were obvious: Who bought this sizable parcel of forested, formerly ratepayer-owned land?

"And, again obviously, how much did they (whomever they are), agree to pay? .

Staff declined to share that information however; so please don’t ask me as I do not as yet know the entity that has contracted to purchase the land, nor how much they agreed to pay.

"I will however, seek at the next council meeting, next Tuesday, that the Mayor accept as an urgent matter, a series of questions and require the staff to answer them. I advised my fellow councillors and staff yesterday that I would be doing so. The answers to such questions should make these simple facts known to the public. I will send such questions to the Mayor, my fellow councillors and of course senior staff, well in advance of next week’s meeting."

Clr McGinlay has now sought to have the following Questions on Notice to be on the agenda for our next council meeting on 26 October 2021.

“The following questions on notice relate to the sale by Council of Lot 2, DP1151341, which is a 40 hectare parcel of land described as being behind Tatiara St. Dalmeny.

Q1: On what date was the contract to sell the land signed by the respective buying and selling parties?

Q2: What was the agreed sale price of the transaction as per the contract.

Q3: If Council is unwilling to publicly answer Q2, what is the reason for this refusal?

Q4: What is the settlement date of the transaction I.e. when will Council receive the agreed amount of the sale price as per the contract of sale?

Q5: If Council is unwilling to publicly answer Q4, what is the reason for this refusal?

Q6: If Council is unwilling to publicly answer any of the foregoing questions, when will such information be made available to the public?

Q7: Has Council received applications for, and granted approval to the owners of this Lot or either of the two adjoining blocks of land, which are also slated for urban development, to clear trees and bush on these blocks for fencing construction or for any other purpose?”