The Beagle

Oct 29, 2020

Constance, McBain, Phillips ? views on land clearing?, extending quarries, koala extinction?

The Beagle Editor,

It is unbelievable to see not one, but two announcements this week, that give the green light to destroying koala habitat in NSW. Koalas are not tree rats, and we need to cease all deforestation for our own species to survive. The summer's mega fires have killed more than enough forest and wildlife without us adding to it!

If you're outraged like we are, then perhaps you have an action idea or want to get involved with an action to up the pressure against our state and federal governments?

Extinction Rebellion NSW

"A NSW parliamentary inquiry determined in June that the last estimate of 36,000 koalas in the state is now completely outdated. , and we may have lost as much as a third of them, after the fires destroyed about 24 per cent of the koala habitat, while down on the south coast as much as 81 per cent disappeared, practically overnight. The upshot was that “given the scale of loss to koala populations across New South Wales as a result of the 2019-2020 bushfires and without urgent government intervention to protect habitat and address all other threats, the koala will become extinct in New South Wales before 2050.”
Peter FitzSimons SMH October 27, 2020

Above: THIS IS WHAT koala extinction looks like. Predictions of totally extinct in NSW by 2050 by land clearing alone, let alone more fires.