The Beagle

May 17, 2022

Congo Road North options a plenty: Open up Pedro Point Road

Updated: May 18, 2022

Following the invitation by Eurobodalla Mayor, Mat Hatcher, to the Congo community and the wider community of Eurobodalla to participate in a community engagement about Congo Road north a variety of options have already begun to present.

At the Council meeting on Tuesday 10 May 2022, Councillors voted to defer, for three months, a decision on the options of whether to take no further action on establishing a public road through the subject property, or to explore various, quite problematic, alternatives for the establishment of such a road. In deferring, they decided to take the next three months to speak with the community and make sure all potential solutions are explored.

One idea destined for consideration is the construction of a bridge over Congo Creek that would connect Congo to Congo North, opening up this poorly visited section of Eurobodalla National Park to visitors whilst giving locals an alternate route to Moruya via an existing, council owned an mostly maintained gravel road.


Above: Presently Council grades on 1.2km to the Pedro Point Reserve track

The creek is quite narrow allowing the bridge to be built with just one set of piles.

Above: the pre-cast composite bridges being built are designed for harsh marine environments meaning very little maintenance and simple construction.

Above: the proposed option would open up the poorly promoted and visited section of Eurobodalla National Park and create a tourist drawcard, improved visitor facilities and the link Congo residents request to the north, and to Moruya.

Above: The road already exists so there would be no need for any vegetation loss.

The Mayor said "On behalf of Eurobodalla Council, I encourage community members to share their solutions and work with us to explore the options available. Please contact me if you have any questions. I will be in touch again ahead of the community workshop to invite you to attend and update you on progress and timeline".

Do you have a solution?