The Beagle

Jun 10, 2020

Broulee Runners June 10th 2020

This is week 12 of the run isolated Broulee and it hoped that with the restrictions being relaxed in the number of areas, we may be able to get together in some form in the near future.

This week we want to feature the many women, who have and are participating on a regular basis and contribute much to the success of the event.

The event attracts many women, who have joined for various reasons and have passed the 100 runs mark. Some are experienced athletes like Jill Brown, who is part of record-breaking team in track events.

Jo Flood, who has been top woman in the Town to Surf fun run, marathon runner Liza Martini and triathlete Kim Young and professional trainers in Paige and Deb Connaughton. More importantly are those who come for the exercise and friendship and the stand outs are Annie Johnsen, Victoria Fleming, Roz Hayward, Julianne Domeny, Robyn Kennedy and Kathryn Jeffery. One who always impresses is our Special Olympics representative Carissa Morgan, who has clocked up 118 runs.

Mention should be made of Stella Lloyd-Jones, who at a young age has clocked up 108 runs and is the grand daughter of Roz Hayward. Her family are great supporters of the event.



Here are the results posted in week 12 of the series:

2.5 Kilometres
Mollie Kennedy 8.13
Jye Barbara 16.31
Helen Okey 16.41
Roz Hayward 21.45
Victoria Fleming 21.48

3.5 Kilometres
David McCann 29.02

5 Kilometres
Geordie Cox 18.33
Josh Connaughton 18.42
Mat Lambert 20.46
Bede Webster 21.48
Dave Connaughton 24.33
Simon Wall 25.44
Paige Connaughton 25.52
Ross Wilson 26.33
Angie Gannon 29.11
Deb Connaughton 29.31
Nev Madden 33.42
Jill Brown 33.43
Mike Kennedy 37.18
Tracy Denning 40.19
Lisa Robbins 44.00
Robyn Kennedy 44.10
Richard Fisher 46.50