The Beagle

Nov 17, 2021

Before you vote ...

The Eurobodalla is fortunate to have a group who watch over Council. Much like a Ratepayers Association (that we don't have) or a local Progress Association.

The group is NOT a political group. They exist, as volunteers, to keep an eye on Council and are willing to step up and represent the community on a wide variety of issues.

To a fair extent they do what the majority of our councillors over the past five years have failed to do, to represent the community.

The group, A Better Eurobodalla (ABE), is a non-aligned community forum dedicated to achieving open, accountable and responsive government in our Eurobodalla region.

On their website they say "We want to understand how government operates locally and how we and other residents can become involved to improve decision-making.

"ABE wants to give community members a voice by publicising the issues that matter to you. We have a strong interest in how Eurobodalla Council operates at the local government level, but we are also interested in how NSW and Federal Government policies and programs affect our region."

In the noise of all the current electioneering, baby kissing, hand shaking and countless promises that can't necessarily be delivered it is fortunate that we have a group like ABE.

You may have found the following flyers in your letter box. They are not electioneering flyers seeking your vote.

They are flyers to help you make the best of your vote. They recommend no-one and serve to guide you to maximise your vote so that YOUR VOTE Matters.

Have a read. By being better informed your vote will have more meaning to you and it might well make all the difference between electing decent councillors rather than 'donkeys'.