The Beagle

Jul 11, 2020

BBay Community Centre: Statement by Clr Anthony Mayne


"Point of Order on Process". 

On behalf of the community, following a meeting at the Batemans Bay Community Centre, I tabled a petition in Council on May 28th 2019. 

We voted on it and it passed. 

It said:  "19/83 MOTION Councillor Mayne/Councillor McGinlay

THAT: 1. The petition be received and noted.

2. A decision on the Batemans Bay Community Centre be deferred until the capital and operation costs for the Batemans Bay Regional Aquatic, Arts and Leisure Centre have been determined based on actual tendered prices." 



I will now seek clarity on this issue as once the tendered prices are known then the community needs to know the cost. 

To proceed at this point is premature and is contrary to the adopted vote. 

We as a Council need to see the final costs and to then actually vote on it. 

"until the capital and operation costs for the Batemans Bay Regional Aquatic, Arts and Leisure Centre have been determined based on actual tendered prices." is what we voted on.

At this point there is no final cost, nor any endorsement. 

I remain concerned about the business case and how the community will end up paying for a Centre that will exceed our grant funding. 

We need to share with the community the business case and how Council will pay for both the build costs and the year on year operational costs.  A cost which will fall to all ratepayers across the entire Shire for years to come. 

I think we need to enhance transparency, process and engagement here to build confidence in what could be an exciting project. 

As for the Community Centre itself and its current occupants, including U3A and Meals on Wheels, why don't we all get together for a chat with Council.