The Beagle

May 29, 2020

Art for arts sake or votes sake

To the Editor,

The revelation of only $4000 (0.0009%) of $44M in the last round of arts funding by the NSW coalition going to Labor held electorates is very disturbing.

Coming in the wake of sports rorts by the federal coalition government, the revelation of arts rorts by the NSW coalition government highlights the lack of talent in both coalitions.

Where is the skill, the finesse, where is the artful, delicate manipulation of funding announcements to gather addition votes without the utter contempt that the community feels for these artless dodgers?

If Mr Barilaro sees the money “deliver real benefits to real people (and) not satisfy arty types” he runs the risk of having only his artless “real people” in the audience and nothing and no one on the stage in the theatre footlights.

Those soirees - art gallery openings of new exhibits will be interesting. There will be the flutes of champagne of course and lots of artless people, but the walls will be lined with picture frames less art as all the arty types have gone on strike!

The bushfires, floods and now CORVID19 have shown how communities can pull together for the benefit of all.

Is it too much to hope that when this last emergency is over there could be a “new way”?  

Will the Eden Monaro by election see an intelligent, fresh talent elected who maybe contributes to a government for all the people?

Ross Hayward
