The Beagle

Mar 23, 2021

Another lackluster Council meeting

Taking all of 38 minutes today's Council meeting had little if anything of interest as has become the norm with the Councillors appearing to be going through the motions of rubber stamping anything the staff put before them to keep the wheels of government moving.

Clr Anthony Mayne did table a petition calling on the Traffic Committee to undertake a Speed Zone Review on Annetts Parade in Mossy Point with the suggestion that the speed limit be reduced to 40kmph.

While he was simply tabling the petition that requested it (the concerns) be forwarded to the Local Traffic Committee for consideration there was no discussion around the myriad of roll-on effects such a speed zone restriction would have in regards to adjacent streets. Would they also be reduced to 40? And would such a petition and rezoning be accepted and acted on would this then open the doors to other petitions and more 40Kph zones.

One example might be at Jellicoe Road, Tuross Head that has become a shortcut for traffic making its way to the Tuross Boat ramp. Council has spent considerable funds upgrading the loop roads of Craddock Road, Nelson Parade and Trafalgar Road to direct traffic along these routes. Their initial intersection design for Jellicoe Road and Craddock recognised the "shortcut" and a traffic island was installed to inhibit the continued stream of cars and boats traversing the narrow street with its edge dropoffs, no footpath, children, walkers, dogs, wildlife and a blind corner.


Above: will council take a look at the many examples of the many dangerous narrow roads that would warrant a 40 kph zone, as is the case of Jellicoe Road in Tuross Head that has become a shortcut speedway with oversized vehicles towing boats.

But in its wisdom Council removed the traffic Island soon after with the designer saying it was an instruction from "above".

There are many other urban sections of road that would warrant a 40 Kph zone. Council is already setting in place a Moruya CBD restriction of 30kph for Ford Street with two pedestrian islands and three roundabouts.

It will be interesting to watch what happens next with Annetts Parade.

Today's meeting was Chaired by Councillor Maureen Nathan who ran a reasonable meeting once the gushing accolades from her fellow CAA Party member, Jack Tait ceased. The Mayor, Rob Pollock and James Thompson were apologies due to floods.

One item came up that gave a councillor with any gumption the opportunity to delve into the ongoing controversy around the funding for the Mogo Mountain Bike project. The project is currently under investigation all the way to the Information Commisioner and the NSW Shadow Ministry with several GIPA requests in for documents that Council is refusing to provide. The $3 million grant required Councillors rubber stamp today which they willingly gave knowing that it committed ratepayers to now find $750,000 to pay a 25% co-contribution.

But all is well apparently as staff assured the Councillors that "Council is actively seeking additional grant funding for this project from the Regional Sports Facilities Fund and also from Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund. Should these applications not be successful, other funding sources are available."

Not a single question by any of the councilors as to what "other funding sources are available" and what might happen with the Mogo Bike Project if the $750,000 wasn't found.

For the rest of the meeting there was little to report other than the continuance of Clr Browns prattle and rhetoric as he set to close most of the agenda items. This is reasonable to expect though as it is an election year and he is desperate to gain attention in anyway possible that might see him as Mayoral material.

The meeting closed with a round of applause from the gushing Jack Tait as expected.

Another lost opportunity for dynamic representation.