The Beagle

May 11, 2020

a plan undone

The Beagle Editor,

First came the announcement of the resignation.

"Oh goodie" says little Johnny. "I will be the contender. My ego is big enough to think I will will".

So Johnny throws his hat in the ring saying he wanted to be elected.

"But I also want to be elected" says Andy. "My ideas are the best ideas and they will vote for me."

News comes down from high above that the boys are cousins and the uncles on both sides, in charge of the two families have declared that Johnny is too unhinged and random. "Boy's, we have decided that Andy is the best boy to contest. Everyone loves Andy and Johnny doesn't play nicely all the time".

Andy was already the leader of his own bunch of kids. He was the one they looked up to and followed.

"What about us Andy? Who will look after us if you get elected?"

"You will be OK. Lizzie, if i win I will put you in charge. We don't even have to vote on it."

"What about pre-selection rules?" asked one of the kids

"Not required, Captain's call" said Andy to young Smarty McSmartface, the audacious questioner.

"Kids, if I get elected then Lizzie will be in charge of you lot. No more discussion". Andy added. Lizzie was most pleased.

When Johnny heard that cousin Andy was preferred by the uncles he spits the dummy, tells everyone he decided not to stand for personal reasons, declares his uncle on his fathers side a lamer saying his lack of enthusiasm or support went a long way to Johnny's final decision. And then he calls Andy a rude word for good measure.

Later that day Andy also learns that cousin FiFi, from his aunty's side of the family also wants to stand, as do some other kids. They all say they have great ideas as well and should be elected.

Sadly for Andy he thought he had the race to himself after the Uncle's spoke. He thought he was the chosen one to represent his family and that he was the pre-selected. When he hears that he now has competition from inside the family and will have to stand up in front of the uncles and tell them why he is better than some other kid he spits the dummy and says he isn't going to stand at all.

So Andy goes home and tells his gang of kids he isn't going to leave them.

"But what about me?" asks Lizzie. "I have gone out and bought a shiny badge and some new riding boots and told everyone I'm in charge".

"When they said I wasn't officially elected I told them ..... 'Andy said' ".

"And now you come home and say I will not be the new leader of the kids. You promised".

Andy responds, very slowly and quietly "Lizzie, you have spent your money poorly. You have jumped the gun. I only said you could be in charge after I am elected".

"Now that I am back you are just another kid. So why don't you stop your whining and go back to your dolls and your puppets".

"At least there you think you are in charge of your silent, dumb puppets".


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