The Beagle

Feb 23, 2022

30 km speed limit to extend to Queen and Church Sts in Moruya

Updated: Feb 25, 2022

The changes council has made to traffic rules in the shopping area are about to extend to parts of Queen and Church Streets that are east of Vulcan Street with the extension of the 30 km/hr speed limit.

Councillors voted on Tuesday to accept a $280,000 grant from the NSW Government’s High Pedestrian Activity Area Speed Management Program to install more traffic calming infrastructure in the Moruya CBD.

It will see up to three new speed bumps with pedestrian crossings at:

  • Church Street near the Health Food cafe - along with extra footpath space for outdoor dining

  • Queen Street near Woolworths

  • Queen Street near the auto parts store.

There will also be a new pedestrian island on Ford Street near the IGA.


Above: New raised pedestrian crossings on Church and Queen streets add to road safety initiatives already in place for Moruya’s CBD.

Councillor Tubby Harrison, a Moruya Chamber of Commerce member, raised the issue of parking loss at the last chamber meeting and expressed particular concern about the loss of up to 23 on-street car parking spaces. Chamber Members share his concerns.

Moruya Chamber of Commerce president, Tim Dalrymple called council’s Director of Infrastructure Services, Warren Sharpe the next day to say that the chamber supported the concept of making Moruya a more pedestrian friendly town but the loss of car parking was very concerning.

As a result of the chamber’s actions the councillors decided at their meeting to accept the $280,000 from the state government, but to consult more broadly with the community about the plans before design and construction commence.