The Beagle

Apr 26, 2019

Moruya Probus’s two meetings in one

MORUYA Probus Club had two meetings in one on Tuesday.

The meeting, at Moruya Golf Club, opened with the annual meeting that had been adjourned in March.

It saw Di Montgomerie elected unopposed as president and Carolyn Winters as her deputy, Carolyn also agreeing to carry on her role as membership officer.

Retiring president Max Hogno took on the job of preparing the club’s newsletter while Netta Behringer will take on the task of welfare officer.

Eric Montgomerie became secretary while Bruce Imrie kept his post as treasurer.

That done, the club’s monthly meeting began with a blond joke from Carolyn Winters. Members were then told that arrangements had been made for next month’s social outing to be a fish and chip luncheon on Moruya Riverside Park on May 14.

Guest speaker was Diane Dason who spoke about her conversion to spirituality after an experience in South America. Spiritualists believed in life after death, she said…”it’s like going to sleep and wakening up again”… but she was still on the fence regarding reincarnation.

Then the annual meeting was resumed with Max Hogno handing over the president’s chain of office to Di Montgomerie.

The next meeting will be held at the Golf Club on May 28, starting at ten-o’clock.

Moruya Probus meets at Moruya Golf Club at ten-o’clock on the fourth Tuesday of each month.

There are many advantages with being a member of Probus. Apart from meeting new friends, and sometimes some old ones, there are opportunities of being involved in outings. There are discounts for some members with restaurants and hotels and more reasonable travel insurance rates that seniors may otherwise be offered. Anyone considering membership should call president Max Hogno on 4474 2324.


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