The Beagle

Nov 7, 2018

Sam Citizen speculates

Making someone else look good

So, the Guardian Australia has just published its latest Essential Poll


It shows that on a two-party preferred vote Labor is ahead of the Coalition by 54% to 46%. Not only that but our Prime Minister’s disapproval rating has risen by nine points over the last month. By contrast Bill Shorten’s approval rating has risen by five points. Now, this is perhaps not surprising.


It’s not surprising that the approval rating of a man who uses the phrase “fair dinkum” as often as the second hand ticks by on my watch would drop.


It’s also not surprising that Shorten’s rating has gone up. Only a Prime Minister as apparently incompetent as Scott Morrison could make Shorten look good. Even the Labor party is keeping him on the down low, preferring rather to roll out Tanya Pliberseck.

Of course, Morrison will say that there is only one poll that counts. That’s the one that will likely be held in May next year. Of course, he’ll suffer at that poll as well. This is a Prime Minister who said just a day or so ago “This is me doing what I do. I’m out – I’m listening, I’m hearing and I’m doing. That’s what I’m doing as a Prime Minister.”


There was a time when I thought that politicians provided leadership and direction. I think that as the Prime Minister that is what he should be doing.

As it is, he’s just making me roll my eyes every time he tries to be the common man (he cannot of course be the common woman but perhaps he is trying that too). I think it’s time he told us where he wants to take Australia and why. But it doesn’t look like he will do that any more than he has been prepared to tell us why he is the Prime Minister in the first place.

Note: Who is Sam Citizen? Sam Citizen is a voter.

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