The Beagle

Jul 12, 2018

Court case dropped by DPI against 71 year old man found culturally fishing - DPI ordered to pay cost

The right to fish: quotas landing Indigenous people in jail

By Isabella Higgins on AM

Fishing has been an important cultural practice for many generations of Indigenous people but is now landing some traditional owners in jail.

This week a grandfather on the New South Wales south coast was preparing to fight charges in court, before the case was dropped at the 11th hour.

The community is concerned their people are being disproportionately locked up for fishing offences and are calling for better legal protection.

Listen Here
Duration: 3min 7sec
Broadcast: Thu 12 Jul 2018, 8:24am




Above: ABC AM radio this morning covered the story of a proud determined South Coast culture fisherman facing court in Narooma to determine if this 71 year old man does time for culture. The story will also be covered tonight on the ABC 730 Report


A spokesperson for the NSW ABORIGINAL FISHING RIGHTS GROUP told The Beagle " We are working hard for the community and youth to better their future"

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