The Beagle

Jul 11, 2018

Now we know our ABC?

The Beagle Editor


Now we know our ABC?

Our ABC is under fire again! This time by a resolution of one of the major political parties’ state conference to sell off this national asset.

Often we hear the cost of the ABC being expressed as an amount per day per head of population – currently it’s about 11 cents.

When thinking about this approach, it’s wouldn’t be a bad way for all of our government departments and services to be expressed. How much do you reckon we are paying for our politicians, for instance?

While at times we hear politicians talking about their favoured policies costing “just a cup of coffee per week” or similar, it’s unlikely such an approach will be too popular in Canberra if made across the board because the citizenry might then be able to better gauge which expenditure is of value and, more pertinently, which isn’t!


The electors might even want to know how much of allocations to departments are consumed by the bureaucrats and how much actually is spent on the coal-face service delivery and we couldn’t have that, could we?

Jeff de Jager


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