The Beagle

Jul 4, 2018

Meet our MACS Artists: Val Tippins

Val Tippins has been a long-time MACS member for 35 years and Past President of Montague Art & Crafts Society, Narooma.


When visiting homes in the Narooma area it is likely that you will come across a scenic painting by wellknown local artist Val Tippins, who for over thirty years has been capturing the beauty of our waterways and coastline in oils and acrylics.


Val’s work is well known and valued here, but her journey in art started in Melbourne before Val and husband Neil, came to Narooma in 1982 to settle.


Val joined Montague Art & Craft in 1983, two years after it was established as a Society and ever since has been a keen and supportive member even serving a term as MACS President.


Over the years Val enjoyed workshops and building up her art skills through activity groups while also contributing to the CWA for over twenty years. Val’s home is filled with her art in varied styles from realistic landscapes to impressionist splashes of bright colour and she relishes chances to exhibit her work at local outlets and at the annual MACS Open Easter Exhibition.


Surrounded by art, Val cherishes her home life with Arun, her Burmese kitten, but takes time to lead singalongs at Estia and to teach a Tai Chi class at IRT.


Another home hobby is jewellery making and Val exhibits and sells her popular items at the Narooma Visitor Information Centre. MACS members honour Val’s long- term contributions to the arts in our community and look forward to seeing more of her recent works of art gracing galleries and local homes.

Montague Art & Craft Society Inc. (MACS) is a recreational arts facility established in 1981, which offers its members a place to work together in creative groups;workshops for members to upgrade and diversify their skills; and opportunities for members to exhibit their work.


MACS is a not-for-profit organisation providing members, visitors and the local community with facilities, encouragement, education and promotion of the arts.


For more information on how you can be involved visit


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