The Beagle

Jun 17, 2018

Storm clouds are gathering agaist Liberal forestry policies

The Beagle Editor,


The NSW Government has been ramping up its campaign of misinformation in the hope that we won’t notice what is happening to nature in NSW. But all the while, behind the scenes the government is propping open the gate for more deforestation – more land clearing and more logging – which is driving our beautiful wildlife to extinction.

It really is about time they tell the truth about nature in NSW.

Take koalas. A few weeks ago, Premier Berejiklian said she would create 24,000ha of “koala reserves”.


But when you look closely at the maps, it becomes clear her “koala reserves” are little more than a cynical PR stunt. The so-called reserves contain only 2% of high-quality habitat and give koalas no more protection than they already had. Meanwhile, koala populations across NSW spiral towards extinction.

Towards Zero Deforestation is being established to amplify the voices of people at the front line of the campaign to save our koalas and other threatened wildlife: the ecologists, sustainable farmers, and wildlife carers.

The Towards Zero Deforestation Roadshow will be heading to the north coast and northwest of the state, two of the regions where the deforestation crisis is doing the most harm.

Right across NSW they plan to connect with like-minded people in communities who are appalled by what’s happening around them but lack the resources to tell their story in a powerful way to the wider world.

Towards Zero Deforestation and other well informed and vocal groups are assembling to send a strong message to the government that they don’t buy their spin and demand real action to pull koalas and other threatened wildlife back from the brink.


In the South East the storm clouds are gathering to take the issue to the doors of Macquarie Street as an election issue.


Watch this space

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