The Beagle

May 10, 2018

Narooma CWA News

The Narooma CWA is buzzing with the news that Narooma member, Sally James, is now the NSW State Vice-President. Sally has already served for three years as Far South Coast Group Representative on the CWA of NSW Executive.


The recent State Conference and AGM, held in Armidale was attended by Narooma Country Women’s Association President Joanne King and Secretary Sally James.


The Narooma CWA has a host of activities planned for the month ahead.

Monday 14th May 1.30pm the afternoon tea for Primary Product etc is being held in the CWA rooms. Entry $7 and possibly raffle $1 ticket.

Tues afternoons choir meets at 1.30pm -2.30pm, Drama group 2.30pm to 3.30pm follows. At present group small so not always there.


A free Community morning tea open to all is held 3rd Tuesday of month 10am-noon, for those wanting abit of companionship.

Friday mornings Craft group meets from 10am- noon, all types of handicraft, crochet, knitting, various types of needlework/embroidery and more. Ladies willing to help or teach people new crafts.


Narooma branch holds its monthly meeting the 1st Friday each month, starting 1pm followed by afternoon tea, except January when there is a summer break.


Most months there is an event either to support either the branch and have fun or to make people aware/raise funds for Medical Research for year ( 2018- Endometriosis) or Primary Product/Native fauna & flora/ Environmental Pest flora and fauna. ( 2018- Pomegranates, Owls & Orchids, Alligator Weed & Deer).

In June the fundraiser to help research into Endometriosis will be held. Friday 29th June 1.30pm Afternoon tea with hopefully someone to speak as either sufferer or with medical knowledge.

CWA membership is open to any woman 18 and over, junior membership can be organised for under 18’s. Through resolutions brought to Annual State Conference the CWA is a powerful lobby group for women, children, families in rural and regional areas, which can also assist all members of community, city or country.


You can find the Narooma CWA in their rooms at 96 Campbell St, near the Narooma Kinema.

Don't miss the no-bake demonstration at Narooma Library next Sat 19th May 10.30- 11.30

$5 includes cuppa and eating of items demonstrated. Book through the Narooma Library.



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