The Beagle

Mar 7, 2018

Your Last Editorial

Dear Editor,


Your comments about the ESC were right on the mark. If it was not for the good work that those below the Management do in and around the Shire the Residents would be in a state of total apprehension.


I remember, before the last election, speaking to one of the erstwhile Councillors now present in Chamber about four years before he was elected about who, what and how this Council operates and where the problems appeared to be.


However, immediately after the election the aforementioned Councillor's first speech in the Chamber was to praise the work of upper Management, who according to all the informed Ratepayers of the Shire were and are in fact 'the PROBLEM"


Nevertheless, this was a well expected practice as evidenced by most of the ERA elected Councillors in the previous Chamber. This is from personal involvement and work with others to have change brought to this Council. We would appear to have failed in the effort to

reform the actions of the Council.


It is refusal to give information and explain to Ratepayers and Residents how there decisions are arrived at and the dis-information that is alleged by some to be promulgated from the Taj.


Is there hope?


Joseph H Potts

