The Beagle

Jan 18, 2018

Suffer from bloating, constipation or digestive problems? Want to lose weight? Try a detox

At this time of the year many of us are still keen to follow through on our New Year’s resolutions and for many it will be to start looking after our health. I would suggest a great way to kick start your programme to good health would be to look at a sensible detox programme. A detox should be a very sensible eating plan used in conjunction with a good detox supplement to help detox the body.


There are many programmes available and there are several I would be reluctant to recommend however recently we have been recommending and having great success with a detox and weight loss product which comes as a liquid, tastes great and is easy to take with just 2 doses of 10ml morning and night. One customer lost 10kg over 8 weeks on this product with very little exercise and another lost 5kg over 3 weeks.


This product is gentle on the system, stimulates digestion promoting elimination and supporting the body to rid itself of waste products. It is perfect for the person who is sluggish, tired, bloated or over weight and wants to gently recharge their body. It doesn’t make you feel sick, nauseated, cause diarrhoea or headaches which can often make detoxing difficult. The bonus is the product is formulated not only for detoxing but also weight loss – it contains ingredients to help suppress the appetite whilst detoxing. Whereas some detox products can’t be taken with certain pharmaceutical medications, this product will not interact with any medications.


We are often asked – when does a person need to go on a detox? The answer is simple – everybody should detox at least one or twice a year. Why wait until we get sick or feel sluggish before we take that step? Why not use detoxing as a preventative for illness? We think so highly of our motor vehicles, we have them serviced regularly, however we expect our bodies to go on forever without the same tender loving care.


The other question often asked is what causes toxins to build up in our bodies so that we need to go on such a detox. There are many and varied reasons:

  1. Constipation – this is a chronic problem in western society. Constipated waste backs up, trapping toxins in the colon, causing fermentation and decay which is re-absorbed into the bloodstream. This then pollutes tissues and cells – a nice thought!

  2. Low Water Consumption – Most people do not drink enough water (approximately 8-10 glasses per day). By not drinking sufficient water, we allow toxins to stagnate in our bodies by not flushing out the waste with enough water.

  3. Stress – the other major problem in our society. Stress causes bad digestion, absorption and elimination of foods thereby causing toxicity.

  4. Poor Diet – just look in the shopping trolleys of most shoppers as you line up at the supermarket. Need I say more!! Once again poor digestion and absorption causes toxicity by our consuming foods low in fibre, highly processed, high in fat, sugar, etc. Plus of course all those chemicals in the food we eat – preservatives, food additives, pesticides etc.

  5. Alcohol and Cigarettes – little needs to be said about these. I’m sure we all know the toxicity of drugs of any kind.

  6. So there you have it – five good reasons to detox. If you hadn’t been convinced before, you must surely be convinced now! Don’t wait until you become ill before you do something about nurturing your body. Take time out to give those poor organs a rest – fine tune your body instead of your car for a change. At the very reasonable cost of $1.30 per day for 20 days this really is a great investment in your health!

If you want to know more about detoxing call in to see Bev and the team at Go Vita, Your Health Shop in North Street, Batemans Bay or phone us on 4472 9737. Don’t forget to tune to Bev and Marianne on 2EC every Wednesday at 12.15pm for Go Get Healthy. REMEMBER WE ARE NOW OPEN 7 DAYS!

In health,

Bev Dunne

Go Vita Batemans Bay

