The Beagle

Oct 3, 2017

Choristers invited to sing Handel for Christmas.

Father Martins Aloga and Phil Billington from the Batehaven Catholic church invite the combined churches and community to a Christmas celebration and party on 17 December.


Father Martins said “A local choir and soloists will perform Christmas excerpts from Handel’s Messiah at St Bernard’s church, Batehaven on 17 December"


Doors will open at 4.30 for a 5pm start.


The choral and solo singing will be interspersed with Christmas readings from the bible. The performance will end with the rousing Hallelujah chorus. Afterwards, all are invited to a Christmas BBQ and party starting from 5.45pm.

More choristers are welcome.


To discuss the vocal ranges and to register, contact Rae Riley 0438 710 890.


At 4pm on Tuesday 3 October, all those registered for the full choir will meet for orientation at St Bernard’s, Batehaven. The altos, tenors, and basses will meet for separate section rehearsals later that week.


Choristers are invited to purchase a booklet and performance CD for $17, and will also be provided with a piano recording of their individual part. Each chorister is asked to commit to learn their part by private practice with the help of the booklets and piano recording of their individual parts before the full choir meets for rehearsal on Sundays from 12 November.


Fiona Jones will conduct. Phil Cullen and Andrew Morton will accompany the singing on piano and cello. We are seeking nominations for the soprano soloist.


Helen Barbic will be the alto soloist, Andrew Edmunds will be the tenor soloist, and Geoff Westbrook will be the bass soloist. If you would like to be considered for the soprano soloist, contact Rae Riley on the phone number above.


Above: Father Martins Aloga and Phil Billington

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