The Beagle

Aug 2, 2017

Buchans celebrated for their contributions to Tuross Head

Long time resident Joan Buchan and her late husband Warren Buchan have been publically celebrated for their community efforts in Tuross Head with the dedication of a bench seat plaque installed by THPA (in consultation with Council)


The plaque was installed recently on the bench adjacent to the Whale Burial site adjacent to the shared pathway opposite 25 Tuross Boulevarde.


Residents might remember that Council had intended to completely remove this well used bench from the village seating options when the old one was allowed to fall into disrepair.


Forced to acquiesce in their decision a new seat was installed to the deligt of many of our older residents and visitors who enjoy the view from this bench in particular that looks over the whale cove and to the north along Coila Beach.


Joan had no idea that the plaque had been organised, purchased and installed by John Tilbrook, Vice president of the Tuross Head Progress Association. Encouraged to go for a walk by the Beers sisters Leonie and Fay the three arrived at the bench to see the plaque revealed, much to Joan's delight.

Above: The bench prior to being refurbished by John Tilbrook with the addition of Plaque to come. Duly supervised.



#Tuross #Community