The Beagle

Jun 11, 2017

The three Fs for dealing with the difficult community

Dear Beagle Editor,


The Office of Local Government conducts professional development programs to improve workplace relations.

The current program is called ‘Handling Difficult People’. One of the topics covers the Fight, Flight or Flow techniques.

Perhaps the technique of ‘Fobbing Off’ has already been covered in previous workshops.

At a cost of $660 per member or $1,320.00 for non members, staff can go Wagga Wagga to learn how to handle ‘difficult people’ or members of the community who ask ‘difficult’ questions.

The facilitator is an experienced qualified Psychologist highly regarded as a learning facilitator, educator and coach. Highly regarded facilitators are usually highly paid as well.

How many staff from Eurobodalla have either attended the course held in January in Sydney or will attend the course to be held in Wagga Wagga on 14th June 2017. How much are their travel costs, meal allowance and accommodation that are borne by the ratepayers?

Would it not make more sense to conduct these professional development programs via Skype?

Or is that a ‘difficult’ question?

Yours sincerely

Difficult Person

Name and address supplied

Above: "Today students we are going to learn the three "Fs" for dealing with members of the community who ask ‘difficult’ questions.- Fob, Forget and "tell them just to F off".


#Opinion #Dale