The Beagle

Feb 10, 2017

Woolworths Scam Alert

WOOLWORTHS SCAM ALERT! Fake emails from ‘Woolworths Rewards’ with the subject line ‘Customer Satisfaction Survey!’ are offering instant cash for taking part in a ‘quick and easy’ online rewards survey.


The email contains a link to an online form that will try to trick you into giving personal information, including your email and password, contact info and bank account details. The promise of an instant cash reward may make users overlook a poorly worded email and suspicious questions in the form, such as asking for your email password and credit card limit.


Sound familiar? The Woolworths survey phishing scam has been in circulation for at least two years—despite the survey asking for sensitive personal information (info that should trigger your alarm bell!), the continued reappearance of this scam indicates its effectiveness in successfully stealing personal information.


Phishing is one of the most severe and prevalent cybercrime threats—email users need to be constantly on guard and curb their enthusiasm to rush forward to receive their free deal. If the offer looks too good to be true, it almost certainly is.


This Woolworths webpage provides information on this scam and others targeting the Woolworths brand


For more info about protecting your email, visit Stay Smart Online at



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