The Beagle

May 11, 2020

100 Years ago - May 15th 1920

Moruya Examiner May 15 1920

COURT HOUSE FENCE.- Mr. Brogan received a telegram from contractor Veitch, who is at present in Sydney, stating that he had interviewed the Works Dept. and they would not sanction the erection of a stone curbing and fence around the Court House as suggested by the local Progress Association, only the fencing is to be erected.

Photo: Moruya's CBD – Queen Street – MORUYA and District Historical Society

CONTRACT OFF.- The contract which was in negotiation between Mr. M. Keating and Mr Joseph for the lease of the former’s Hotel, is now declared off.

SOLDIERS’ SETTLEMENTS.- Messrs. Stuart Belcher and Styles were in town during the week. These gentlemen are out surveying land set apart for soldiers’ settlement, and last week were over “Dalmeny”. Bodalla for this purpose.

QUICK SALE FAIR.- Something new and novel in the form of a Quick Sale Fair will be conducted by the Red Cross Society to raise funds for the endowment of a cot at Renwick Hospital. This fascinating function, which will embrace hours of merriment, will take place in the Shire Hall on Tuesday, 1st June.

HIGH COST OF BOOKS.- Book publishing in London has reached a crisis and it is quite possible that very soon the business will practically cease. Mr. John Muray, the well-known publisher, states that he is daily rejecting interesting new works. The cost of production of even reprints has more than trebled and prices are still rising. The public will not buy for 15s a book formerly retailed at 5s.

PRESENTATION.- A most enjoyable social evening took place in the Mechanics’ Hall on Wednesday evening, the occasion being a presentation to Miss B. Skehan on the eve of her marriage with Mr. Harold (“Wedge”) Ryan. The stage was tastefully arranged as a drawing room and dotted about the hall were small tables. Mr R. B. Heffernan presided..….an excellent program constituted the first part of the evening, all the artists acquitting themselves creditably. …

POUNDKEEPER.- - Mrs. Dal Irwin, of Gundary, has been appointed pound-keeper by the Shire Council. Now owners of wandering stock look out!

AN OLD LAND MARK.- Mr. M. Keating, who was many years ago lessee of the Kildare Hotel in Queen- Street, has now purchased the old building and ground. Mr. J.T. Brogan, with a staff of helpers, has commenced the demolition of the old land-mark. We understand that it is the new owner’s intention to build an up-to-date residence on the allotment.

APPEAL COURT.- On Wednesday before Mr. J. L. Shropshire, P.M., the following appeals against the Eurobodalla Shire assessment were dealt with: Thos Gorman, portion 104, Parish of Bateman, was reduced from £329 to £165; Wm. Thomas, portions 166 and 167, Parish of Wandella from £75 to £25; H.W. Luck, portions 15 and 21, Parish of Moruya, from £519 to £350; and Public Trustees, account of Gaustard Estate, from £144 to £125.

ECCLESIASTICAL,- It is with profound regret that we have to announce that the Rev. Father Bossence has been appointed to Gunning Parish for three months. It is only a short time since Father Bossence’s arrival in our midst, but during that period he has endeared himself into the hearts of his parishioners and general public alike, both spiritually and socially. We do not hold with constant changed in any avocation, but when it means the severance of a beloved pastor and his flock it is particularly to be regretted.