The Beagle

Jun 28, 2020

100 years ago - July 3rd 1920

ANOTHER OPERATION.– His many friends will be sorry to hear that Mr. Feneley, who dislocated his collar bone whilst practicing football, will have to undergo another operation. The doctors at Maitland, the home of our young sport, have now found it necessary to drill and stitch the bone with gold wire.

LIGHTEN OUR DARKNESS.– The Braidwood Municipal Council has adopted a small lighting scheme for the town. Our Shire Council evidently does not believe in “Letting their light so shine before men that they may see their good works,” as our streets still remain in darkness. What has become of our Progress Association’s worthy move in this direction?

WHO WILL HE BE?- A prize of one guinea has been offered by a lady for the most original make-up by a gentleman at the forthcoming Hospital Ball. Now, who will be the gallant gentleman to make a similar offer for a lady?

S.O.S.—The latest report on the sugar shortage states that the steamer Austral Mount left Cuba on June 1 with a full equipment of raw sugar for Sydney and should arrive here early in July. Her cargo will be promptly refined in Sydney, and thenceforth the Sydney shops will have fair quantities of white crystal and other sorts. During July the new-season’s sugar (N.S.W. and Queensland) will be available in Sydney, and early in August the shortage will be at an end. An official assurance has already been given that the price of sugar in Australia will not rise for at least three years, and what may happen then, nobody knows.

THE SHAMROCK.– Mrs. J. Strahan, of the Shamrock Tea Rooms, who has been an inmate of Lewisham Hospital, suffering from a nervous breakdown, writes to say that although not much improved, she will re-open her business in Vulcan-street early this month.

A WARNING.– Moruya unfortunately at the present time possesses some low rascals who will not pay their legitimate debts. One business man informs us that one such unprincipled thing contracted a debt which he would not pay, and when a summons was issued the villain only worked a certain number of days in order to keep his wages under the amount for which a garnishee order could be issued. Tradespeople beware!

NERRIGUNDAH. (From our Correspondent).

The welcome home social tendered to Pte. Fred McGill, on the 18th of June, by the Nerrigundah Patriotic Committee, was a great success both financially and otherwise. ...The admission was 5/- double and 3/- single, and the door takings with sale of tickets amounted to £23/2/9.

Mr Roberts manager of the dredge undertook the decorations, and with flags, bunting and ferns artistically arranged, and in large lettering of “Welcome Home,” neatly interwoven with ferns in the background, the hall looked splendid and was greatly admired by many visitors.

Dancing commenced at 8 p.m. … About nine o’clock Pte. McGill, who is totally blind, accompanied by his charming English wife walked down the hall, amidst great cheering and took their seats on the stage in front of the Roll of Honor tablet, where they were soon surrounded by many of his friends who were there to greet him...Mr J. Pollock, who acted as chairman, gave a lengthy and appropriate address afterwards presenting our returned hero with the Nerrigundah Returned Soldier’s medal, and the Shire Council’s Certificate, also a wallet containing £66 12s. Private McGill suitably responded… I may also add that the fortitude with which he bears up against his terrible affliction should be a lesson to us all, and especially to those who are continually finding something to growl at when after all they should be ever thankful for their sight alone.

We thank all those who contributed so liberally to the list, and remind others who could afford and gave sparingly to one who had lost all in fighting their battle and ours, that they should recollect “they are born, but not buried yet”

(A subscription list followed showing names and the amount contributed.)