The Beagle

Jan 10, 2021

100 Years Ago - January 15, 1921

SPECIAL COURT.—At the Special Licensing Court on Monday, 10th January, before Messrs. John Jeffery and A.H. Fox, J’s.P., renewal of publicans’ licenses was granted to James Turnbull (Criterion Hotel) and William Ryan (Club House Hotel). The license for liquor booth at Moruya race meeting on 18th and 19th inst. was issued to James Turnbull; also license for liquor booth at Brogan Benefit Pony Races on 20th Jan. was issued to J. J. King.

MOTOR SERVICE.– By our business columns it will be seen that Mr. H. Malone, who is noted for the excellence of his cars, has placed some of them at the service of the Moruya public. Having secured the Moruya Braidwood mail service, Mr. Malone’s car will leave here Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. ...

GUN LICENSE.– Under the Gun Licence Act which will come into operation at an early date, the carrying of a firearm by any person without a license is strictly prohibited. A license, costing 5s, must be procured for each weapon, and no person under 16 years of age may hold a license. For breaches of the law extremely heavy penalties are provided.

SHIRE TAXATION.– Those who wish to protest against this Shire’s proposal to levy a general rate of twopence half-penny in the pound on the unimproved capital value of all rateable land have an opportunity of doing so at the Council Chambers on Wednesday next at 10 .am., when Mr. G. W. J. Downey, supervising engineer, will hold an inquiry.

WAR MEMORIALS. The unveiling ceremonies in connection with the Honor Roll and Memorial Tablets at the local Methodist Church last Sunday were very largely attended by friends from as far north as Milton and as far south as Tilba. The Church was suitably draped with flags, the Honor Roll being covered by a Union Jack and the two tablets by an Australian flag.

CHANCE OF A LIFETIME. That CHOICE DAIRYING and GRAZING FARM known as CABOORA, near Moruya, and containing 312 acres (freehold) or thereabouts. There is a comfortable 6 Roomed Dwelling, with Bails, Piggery, Barns and all out buildings, with large Underground Tank. The property is subdivided into convenient paddocks and is well watered with permanent springs and creeks, and is within 1½ miles of Bergalia Factory. The property is at present leased for £88 per annum, lease for which expires on 1st October 1921.

The above will be offered for auction on Saturday, 29th Jany., 1921 at H. J. Thomson’s Butcher Shop, Church Street, Moruya at 2.30 p.m.

As Mr. Arnett has decided to settle in Tasmania the property is for right-out sale, and no reasonable offer will be refused. The Auctioneer can recommend this as a first-class investment.

TO MR. & MRS WALSH & FAMILY OF TURLINJAH. On Wednesday evening, 5th Inst., a complimentary social and presentation was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Walsh and family, of Turlinjah Public School, by the residents of Turlinjah, Bergalia and the surrounding districts. The hall was beautifully decorated for the occasion by Mesdames H. Perry, H. Bown and S. Newman, assisted by many pupils of the school who had shown a keen desire to assist their parents and friends to recognise the many good qualities of their beloved and respected teacher. At 9 o’clock the guests of the evening arrived and were escorted to the stage by the chairman, Mr. C. Callaghan. By this time the hall was densely packed, and all joined in heartily singing “For they are jolly good fellows.”

On the stage the guests were joined by Captain Millard, M.L.A., Mr. D. Hutchinson, and that grand old and respected pioneer, Mr. E. Bown, of Turlinjah, who despite having just celebrated his 90th birthday, came along to honor the guests and his friends with his presence.

The Chairman then announced that they had now come to the most important part of the program—the presentation. … Dancing was kept going till 2.30 a.m. ...