The Beagle

Dec 9, 2020

100 Years Ago - December 11th 1920

EUCALYPTUS OIL.– Mr. W. Thomas, who is running a eucalyptus oil distillery at Wamban, and a gentleman who takes more than an ordinary interest in such matters, has just returned from Nerrigundah, where he consulted with many of those in the same line of business, with whom he is intimately acquainted, informs us that he will shortly call a public meeting at Nerrigundah for the purpose of forming a Eucalyptus Oil Distilling Union, with a view of getting prices fixed, prevent exploitation and otherwise protect the industry.

The time has arrived when all those engaged in an important new industry, such as the eucalyptus oil extracting one undoubtedly is, must bestir themselves in their own interest and protection, or otherwise go to the wall. Nerrigundahites would do well to watch these columns for the announcement of the public meeting, which will shortly appear and allow nothing to prevent their being present, as it is a matter in which all are vitally interested.

Is there a button shortage? asks a writer. Several clergymen, doubtless thinking of their collection, say that there is not.

CHEESE REDUCED.– The secretary of the Necessary Commodities Control Commission states that a special “Gazette” supplement was issued reducing the price of cheese by 2d per lb. The maximum retail price now allowed to be charged for cheese is 1s 5½p for loaf and 1s 5d for large.

Above: Cheese factory stamps

ACCIDENT.– Mr. A. H. Fox, manager Bank N.S.W., met with a painful accident on Saturday last. Whilst surfing at the Moruya Heads he was stung in the eye by a jellyfish. After suffering severe paid for a few days, Mr. Fox, we are pleased to state, is now on the improve.

A DAY’S SPORTS. - Will be held on the Park Grounds, Bateman’s Bay on BOXING DAY, 1920, Consisting of Horse and Athletic Events also QUEEN OF THE DAY COMPETITION.

The total proceeds to be evenly distributed between Cricket, Race and Tennis Clubs. …… First Event starts punctually at 1.30 p.m.

Admission to Ground—Adults 1/-; children 6d.

BALL AT NIGHT Tickets: 7/- Double; 4/- Single

H.W. STRONG A.R. RYAN V.M. ROSS Joint Hon. Sec.